Thursday, April 2, 2015

Day Off

Took the day off to read a space opera. Well, mostly. Paused in my slacking to write and publish a short and so keep up with my one a day challenge. Also set up a promo and booked a couple ads. Never know, something might come of it.

This is why I wanted to keep this word count to check my averages. My days vary wildly on productivity levels. I want to hit a consistent work habit, but instead I bop between crazy energy all the things, and fall down on face watch tv. I've never actually checked to see what that averages out to before.

I've got two deadlines to hit tomorrow and I want stuff done before Easter, so I'll see how it goes.

Oh, and on the productive side I did complete the second work out on my couch to 5k. Soon I will be able to run longer than 15 seconds!

I feel like this blog is really boring. Will have to think of more exciting things to say.

word count: 2,438

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