Friday, April 3, 2015

A Pattern is Noted

I've been searching for productivity patterns as I try to sort out why I spend all day doing five hours worth of work. Today I found an awesome pomodoro site that tracks how many poms you do. (For anyone who doesn't know, these are 25 minute blocks of productivity followed by five minute breaks.) I once again hit the end of the day having done about 5 hours of work despite working all day, so I checked my log.


Turns out I take at least a one hour break between every hour of work. Sometimes more. So I turn five hours into, like thirteen hours. Stupid.

Obviously I need to work on this. I'm going to start making more of an effort to focus on getting the work done first thing in one focused batch of productivity. I really want to hit 8-10 hours of work a day and I'm never going to do that at my current messy rate.

So. Progress.

Words today: 13,000

(Yes, I type over 2k an hour so that's about 6 hours work for me. See the problem?)

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